Wednesday 9 December 2009

the rain...

She cursed the rain once more, when she fell down on the wet pavement. Here all her clothes were in mud now. She was fed up with starting the day always in frustration. Here her hair that she struggled a lot to do was completely sopping wet. In the middle of the road, she felt very cold. Luckily the road was empty, of course, such an early time in the morning, there couldn’t be anyone else except her who set off to work for earning her life. There was no way, she had to work, and she had to get money for her mother and two little sisters. So she didn’t have a chance to choose the day or the time to work. Here it was raining, and although she hated it, she was on the way again…As she was deep in thought about the rain, she remembered all what it had stolen from her…She felt a pain in her heart but, soon she noticed that her palm was also injured. It was badly bleeding. The red blood was coming to her wrist and, making a red stripe on her coat, from her elbow it was dripping down to the paving stones. She looked at the red colored raindrops that made a small puddle by her side. A bloody image crossed her mind…That, everywhere was in red, dark red…in the air was the smell of the fresh blood mixed with the rain…A bent car…and a man whose head was in the front window of the car ,all in pieces, and who died by an accident which the wet floor caused. Everywhere smelt blood, her father’s blood… She came back throughout the red puddle, breathed deeply.. There was no smell of her father’s blood in the air…But there was something similar to that day, the smell of the rain, the infernal fucking rain!!! She never accepted the truth that the accident was caused by the bad road, the wrong stones on the way. She never understood, always blamed the rain..She hated it , because it had taken away her beloved father. She came back again, suffering from the cut in her palm. She cursed the rain once more for last and stood up. Time was cruel, it was 05:55 , which meant the factory had already been opened , which also meant she would have to listen to her boss complaining about her coming always late. To him, ten minutes were too late. She felt a strong ache inside her brain. She was damned sure that there was something wrong with it…Anyway..No time to think about herself…Time was passing…She returned to her way. And it seemed that, while walking, she wouldn’t be alone, because the raindrops would keep dripping on her face,hair,shoulders and all other parts of her body, reminding her about bad memories and making her insane….

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