Tuesday 22 December 2009

hw : a person I admire....

After seven names, comes the name of ‘Yunus’ on the list of ‘Güneş’ family’s children. However he’s not the last one, he would have a little blond sister, when he was five. Then the members of the family would reach eleven, including the father and the mother.
Yunus had a happy childhood in his crowded family. He was such a clever and smart, but also a bit trouble maker boy, just like every little one. At the age of six, he had already been able to write and read. His success went on at secondary and high school. But unfortunately last years of high school were very difficult. Those days were in 80’s, when a military revolution was brought about in Turkey. As he was trying to study secretly under the weak lights of candles in a small room of their house, which they had just moved in from their village in Trabzon selling all their houses, lands and fields there, the sound of anarchy was heard in the dark streets of the big city Istanbul. But Yunus didn’t back down, he coped with every problems he faced, and finally succeeded in the university exam. Getting a high mark, he started his education at Istanbul University. However, tumult was everywhere. As soon as he just found himself at university, where he couldn’t get rid of it, an anarchist started thinking about bad plans. First he became his best friend and then made him smoke and play truant usually. Finally Yunus gave up his education, even without completing the first year. At the age of twenty , when his beloved friend stabbed him in his back and run away, it dawned on him that he had made a big mistake. But it wasn’t possible returning back to his education. Because his family needed money those days. Unfortunately he had already lost his chance to make a big career. He had to earn money then. He started a job in their market as a driver. As he hadn’t lost his intelligence yet, he went on and bought his own minibus working between Çağlayan and Topkapı. He developed himself and made good money. He owned a lot of minibuses and houses also. Then he got married and had three children, who he would dedicate himself to give a perfect life to. He would especially care of his children’s education.
My uncle Yunus is now 51 years old. Whenever he remembers his old days, I can see the brightness and proud in his eyes. I really admire the way how he built his life with his own hands. I can say he’s very determined, tolerant and helpful. Determined because he never gives in, tolerant because he listens first and cares other people’s thoughts, helpful because he doesn’t hesitate to find a solution for people’s problems, he does whatever he can.
One day in the future, when I look back, I wish to be proud of my past like him. To live despite everything, to success despite everything, and to smile despite everything….


  1. Another strong post, Elif!

    The only real mistake you have made concerns modals verbs in the past, which we haven't studied yet. Just so you know, when we talk about general abilities in the past we use 'could' and for specific abilities in the past we use 'was able to' or 'managed to.' So, at the age of six, your uncle could read and write as this was a general ability he had. If you say he was able to read and write this means that he actually did this activity when he was six, but maybe not at any other time! We will look at this more in the future.


  2. well...okay thank you mike ;)
