Wednesday 16 December 2009


Go away, or I will cross you!! , yelled black.
You go away. I came first, and green suits well near me. You don’t look good enough to be with green. ,said white.
Oh, then let’s ask green! Hey, my dear, which one would you prefer? Me or this useless white?
Well…in fact, I’d prefer peace and silence. Please do not argue and break each other’s heart. I’m the color of peace, so you two won’t be able to be with me, if you keep yelling out. Said green. It looked so calm and peaceful that nothing could make it angry, even not these two.
Then red barged into their conversation ,
I think, you’re quarrelling too much. And as something proved in all time, big loves start with strong angers. And to me, you, white and black, will be the perfect partners on the earth. It’s useless to keep your behaviors in this way. Needless to say, white is created for black and so is black….
Shut up…!! You prig!! Interrupted black.
I’m a love color, honey. So what I say is true. Don’t look at me in anger…please…!!! , insisted red.
This time it was yellow to say something, it started talking sounded like a merry song
: Hey, guys.. what the hell are you complaining about? Look at me orange and me. We two get on well for years…We’re the happiness, we’re the most lively colors. Never mind what the hell it is!!! Time’s passing, and life’s worth living for…. Let’s all come together…
Orange went on to say, after its friend yellow : I agree with yellow, and as green said, we’re the side of peace ….
A whisper was heard, it was blue. It had kept silence up to that time. But now, it thought , time to say something… To me, people mustn’t hurt each other. I know what regret, separation, longing and anguish mean. I know all these are caused by instant anger. And they follow each other. Anger makes a broken heart and separation, then turns into regret, then into longing and lastly endless anguishes…. I’m the color of sadness. Because for ages, people complain about their problems to me, they come to my side when they feel broken and upset … so I know all these better than any of you. What I want, please do not act without thinking and do not get angry by silly and ordinary things. While talking its voice changed from a halcyon lake into a wild ocean. Here it kept silence again and turned into itself.
White and black felt frozen. They looked each other. Were all these saying the truth? Black was the first one to go near white. White was shocked and then became shy. They went closer and closer . And finally they got together. From that time, the color of darkness and generally bad works, black, and the color of purity and cleanliness, white would never separate. The big difference between them wouldn’t be a blockage for their real love…

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