Tuesday 29 December 2009

Coming to an end of a journey of four years at high school, I was a bit upset. I could remember the first day there with every details. And then all these withered away very quickly, however, I knew I would always cherish the beautiful memories in my heart. Anyway here was the big day of my graduation, a sad end which also means a hopeful and bright beginning for university. (at least, we all wished it to be so ) I got up late that morning with no hurry and point of excitement. I had planned to go to a coiffeur before, but I didn’t have any urge to go make my hair exaggeratedly elegant and wear too much make-up then. I thought I could do something pretty by myself. Being not hasty, I took a shower and dressed in my black skirt and white shirt, these two were decided by the school, so we didn’t have a chance to choose what to wear, which was completely an absurdity. Then I dried my hair, but unfortunately it seemed very stubborn to have any piece of grace, it was just fuzzy and untidy. Deciding to have it done at school, I left home. Some of girls had already arrived, in the garden were beautiful girls who had dolled themselves up in gaudy clothes, surprisingly they could make white and black extraordinary, with high-heel shoes, which I strongly refuse to wear, instead, I preferred my black sports. I thought it would be a difficult night. It began with a disappointment caused by my hair. Neither me nor my friends managed to do it, although the ceremony was about to start. Finally I backed down and let them go down on my shoulders to my back, which gave me a natural look that seemed a bit weird in all these shinny girls. Anyway … After a while, when the music was played, we, students, were ready in two lines to walk gracefully to our sits. We passed through the multitude of our parents. That time was the one I became excited and it downed on me that I had my last chance to enjoy this atmosphere with all my friends by my side and my family looking at me with great pride in their eyes. After our walk, we sit down and listened quietly to some teachers and other students, telling about the importance of the moment we had. I could feel the eyes on us, as we sit just in the middle of the garden. When the speeches, which seemed to continue forever, were done, we threw our caps up in the air. So we came to the end of the formal ceremony. Then started our real fun. We changed our black and white clothes and worn as we wanted. This time I was in a white dress which was not very chic but was charming , with my pretty white moccasins. The rest of the night was quite enjoyable, pleasant and funny. We danced as much as we could, laughing and talking freely. We took some photos and recorded a video during the night. However, all I got from them is a disappointment. (I always hate posing….lol…) Anyway… Luckily, I have my own good shots in my mind, which will be kept fresh and safe as long as I live. And which will bring a big smile on my face whenever I remember them… :) :) :)

Tuesday 22 December 2009

hw : a person I admire....

After seven names, comes the name of ‘Yunus’ on the list of ‘Güneş’ family’s children. However he’s not the last one, he would have a little blond sister, when he was five. Then the members of the family would reach eleven, including the father and the mother.
Yunus had a happy childhood in his crowded family. He was such a clever and smart, but also a bit trouble maker boy, just like every little one. At the age of six, he had already been able to write and read. His success went on at secondary and high school. But unfortunately last years of high school were very difficult. Those days were in 80’s, when a military revolution was brought about in Turkey. As he was trying to study secretly under the weak lights of candles in a small room of their house, which they had just moved in from their village in Trabzon selling all their houses, lands and fields there, the sound of anarchy was heard in the dark streets of the big city Istanbul. But Yunus didn’t back down, he coped with every problems he faced, and finally succeeded in the university exam. Getting a high mark, he started his education at Istanbul University. However, tumult was everywhere. As soon as he just found himself at university, where he couldn’t get rid of it, an anarchist started thinking about bad plans. First he became his best friend and then made him smoke and play truant usually. Finally Yunus gave up his education, even without completing the first year. At the age of twenty , when his beloved friend stabbed him in his back and run away, it dawned on him that he had made a big mistake. But it wasn’t possible returning back to his education. Because his family needed money those days. Unfortunately he had already lost his chance to make a big career. He had to earn money then. He started a job in their market as a driver. As he hadn’t lost his intelligence yet, he went on and bought his own minibus working between Çağlayan and Topkapı. He developed himself and made good money. He owned a lot of minibuses and houses also. Then he got married and had three children, who he would dedicate himself to give a perfect life to. He would especially care of his children’s education.
My uncle Yunus is now 51 years old. Whenever he remembers his old days, I can see the brightness and proud in his eyes. I really admire the way how he built his life with his own hands. I can say he’s very determined, tolerant and helpful. Determined because he never gives in, tolerant because he listens first and cares other people’s thoughts, helpful because he doesn’t hesitate to find a solution for people’s problems, he does whatever he can.
One day in the future, when I look back, I wish to be proud of my past like him. To live despite everything, to success despite everything, and to smile despite everything….

Wednesday 16 December 2009

feeling the death-the hot red liquid

She said “good bye!!!” to him, as she did every morning, like this, with a big smile on her face, and a happy-energetic, even in such early times of morning, voice singing… Then turning back, she opened the door and got out of the car. She was bemused, however, she didn’t show her feelings , as usual. Going around the line between being awake and asleep, with a hard struggle, she had forced herself to finally wake up that morning and set off. That time was the time to leave him and take another bus. There they had just come to the crossroad where she said her “good bye”s every morning.

She started walking to cross the road, deep in thought , looking for something in her bag. But there was a truck coming towards her. Only a screechy horn could she hear and only sharp headlights could she see lastly. Then, she was just like lying high above the clouds , but somewhere behind, something was to appear, like a soft breeze, warm breeze, no, hot breeze….blowing upon her face, near her lips, trying to get inside her, through the rest of her body, starting with her brain, across her throat and down to her organs… Or was it just trying to get out? Was the hell inside her?

She was burning inside… And as the hot red liquid came out ,surrounding her body, in the ways of long lines, she felt hotter and hotter. With painful aches in her body, she tried to touch the hot red liquid… But her skull was smashed, as if it would fall to pieces… She couldn’t dare to move. Then she could clearly feel everything. The hell was in her skull, where her brain was bubbling. The frames coming to her eyes, everywhere went red and more red. Only a newborn, light blue sky could she recognize… Getting unconscious, her eyes let the flames go out, and then, they were, too, in all that hot red liquid. Trying hard to cling to life, the natural desire to live as long as possible, her body endured more a few minutes… Endless pains… The hot red liquid… burning..the flames… And the clock of her struck once more,' now time to go'… Something glided up out of her body, through the first lights of the day in the sky, leaving her peaceful and that time, cold. Then she seemed like a stone. As the hot red liquid made its way onto her body, which was about to be frozen on that shinny but frosty winter morning , and out of the road, she got rid of her pains, and the relaxing cold took the place of the hell inside her… A song background…

Higher you fly in to the world ….
I can see you fly away
I can see the sun upon your face
I can feel your heart and I can hear you cry
And as I fall apart , I learn to fly….”

It was the last “good bye” to him from her…. She was just gone for her longest journey… But that time , it would last more and more than any others….And there was her first “hello” to the lives above the clouds…..


She looked at the floor, as soon as his eyes caught her looks. And she blushed again. Her cheeks now seemed even more beautiful in red. She felt very hot. He continued talking..What the hell was he talking about? She could hear only his voice, his clean and soft voice, but wasn’t listening to him, couldn’t recognize the sentences, the words, even the letters…just his voice, like a merry song..She steered her eyes through him once more, that time she thought about his wonderful smile, here he was laughing, but at what? Who knows? Never mind! He was happy and laughing…only that interested her…Upsss…He looked at her again…Suddenly she got frozen, although she was melt inside, couldn’t do anything..But surprisingly, she was bravely looking at him, too…What was happening? Why was she getting hotter and hotter? She was sure she seemed very stupid looking at him in such a way. She thought she wasn’t good enough for him…But in fact, it wasn’t so. Here he was telling something to her, his voice was talking about another hell, but his eyes… were trying to tell something…She drowned into his eyes..She was so dizzy that she couldn’t read them… She couldn’t see they were screaming her name out and saying ‘I’m deeply in love with you!!!...’ He was dying for her. But she couldn’t see…She felt a strong pain in her heart and couldn’t endure anymore. She looked at the floor again…Her fever was getting lower now…


Go away, or I will cross you!! , yelled black.
You go away. I came first, and green suits well near me. You don’t look good enough to be with green. ,said white.
Oh, then let’s ask green! Hey, my dear, which one would you prefer? Me or this useless white?
Well…in fact, I’d prefer peace and silence. Please do not argue and break each other’s heart. I’m the color of peace, so you two won’t be able to be with me, if you keep yelling out. Said green. It looked so calm and peaceful that nothing could make it angry, even not these two.
Then red barged into their conversation ,
I think, you’re quarrelling too much. And as something proved in all time, big loves start with strong angers. And to me, you, white and black, will be the perfect partners on the earth. It’s useless to keep your behaviors in this way. Needless to say, white is created for black and so is black….
Shut up…!! You prig!! Interrupted black.
I’m a love color, honey. So what I say is true. Don’t look at me in anger…please…!!! , insisted red.
This time it was yellow to say something, it started talking sounded like a merry song
: Hey, guys.. what the hell are you complaining about? Look at me orange and me. We two get on well for years…We’re the happiness, we’re the most lively colors. Never mind what the hell it is!!! Time’s passing, and life’s worth living for…. Let’s all come together…
Orange went on to say, after its friend yellow : I agree with yellow, and as green said, we’re the side of peace ….
A whisper was heard, it was blue. It had kept silence up to that time. But now, it thought , time to say something… To me, people mustn’t hurt each other. I know what regret, separation, longing and anguish mean. I know all these are caused by instant anger. And they follow each other. Anger makes a broken heart and separation, then turns into regret, then into longing and lastly endless anguishes…. I’m the color of sadness. Because for ages, people complain about their problems to me, they come to my side when they feel broken and upset … so I know all these better than any of you. What I want, please do not act without thinking and do not get angry by silly and ordinary things. While talking its voice changed from a halcyon lake into a wild ocean. Here it kept silence again and turned into itself.
White and black felt frozen. They looked each other. Were all these saying the truth? Black was the first one to go near white. White was shocked and then became shy. They went closer and closer . And finally they got together. From that time, the color of darkness and generally bad works, black, and the color of purity and cleanliness, white would never separate. The big difference between them wouldn’t be a blockage for their real love…

Wednesday 9 December 2009

the rain...

She cursed the rain once more, when she fell down on the wet pavement. Here all her clothes were in mud now. She was fed up with starting the day always in frustration. Here her hair that she struggled a lot to do was completely sopping wet. In the middle of the road, she felt very cold. Luckily the road was empty, of course, such an early time in the morning, there couldn’t be anyone else except her who set off to work for earning her life. There was no way, she had to work, and she had to get money for her mother and two little sisters. So she didn’t have a chance to choose the day or the time to work. Here it was raining, and although she hated it, she was on the way again…As she was deep in thought about the rain, she remembered all what it had stolen from her…She felt a pain in her heart but, soon she noticed that her palm was also injured. It was badly bleeding. The red blood was coming to her wrist and, making a red stripe on her coat, from her elbow it was dripping down to the paving stones. She looked at the red colored raindrops that made a small puddle by her side. A bloody image crossed her mind…That, everywhere was in red, dark red…in the air was the smell of the fresh blood mixed with the rain…A bent car…and a man whose head was in the front window of the car ,all in pieces, and who died by an accident which the wet floor caused. Everywhere smelt blood, her father’s blood… She came back throughout the red puddle, breathed deeply.. There was no smell of her father’s blood in the air…But there was something similar to that day, the smell of the rain, the infernal fucking rain!!! She never accepted the truth that the accident was caused by the bad road, the wrong stones on the way. She never understood, always blamed the rain..She hated it , because it had taken away her beloved father. She came back again, suffering from the cut in her palm. She cursed the rain once more for last and stood up. Time was cruel, it was 05:55 , which meant the factory had already been opened , which also meant she would have to listen to her boss complaining about her coming always late. To him, ten minutes were too late. She felt a strong ache inside her brain. She was damned sure that there was something wrong with it…Anyway..No time to think about herself…Time was passing…She returned to her way. And it seemed that, while walking, she wouldn’t be alone, because the raindrops would keep dripping on her face,hair,shoulders and all other parts of her body, reminding her about bad memories and making her insane….


(Written for my English homework…some parts’ re not reality at all…)

I’m a 26 year old girl from Turkey,İstanbul. My name’s Elif. I’m a software engineer, have owned my own medical software company for two years.
I’m looking for a partner that will make me happy... So let me tell about myself.
Let’s start with my appearance. I’m 1.73 meters and 54 kilos. (that’s my description with numbers) So you can call me as a slim and tall girl, at least taller than a normal Turkish girl… I have brown eyes, long black hair, as a typical brunette…but compared with others, I’m not very dark skinned at all…
Well….I really like the nature. I like silent, quiet places where only nature whispers. When I’m in this kind of places, I breathe deeply feeling the fresh life outside. Inside me, I’m a funny and happy girl, that’s why I like nature, because it’s colorful, has all the beauties. So I can say I like the colors which remind me of the nature, such as orange,green,blue…However, I also like being silent, surprisingly, I’m a bit a shy person, can’t show my feelings directly. Maybe that’s why I like black as much as the others. Black shows my silent thoughts…
Generally, I’m a compatible person. I don’t lose my temper easily. I can be happy with small and ordinary things…So I don’t think I’m difficult to live with…
I’m interested in sports. I like diving,climbing,bungee jumping,tennis,horse riding,fishing….also I’m keen on taking photos, which means I also like going around seeing new cultures and beautiful views to catch great shots!!! And lastly, my sense in music. The kind of music isn’t important at all. I listen to the violin to relax, on the other hand, rock music is my favorite with its hard and powerful rhythms … I enjoy slow songs but also, the others can be my choice, as well.
I can cook better than other girls same aged of me who complain about being tired after the work and not having enough time to cook their own meals. However, I like preparing a table with every details and making a delicious menu , from soup to deserts…Well…I don’t claim that I’m the best..but at least, I enjoy what I’m doing…
Up to here, hope you got a positive impression about my life….Now all I can do is to wait the right person to share it together!!! :)

about me...

My name's Elif.I'm 18 years old..I live in Turkey,in the east of İstanbul,in Asia side.And my town's called Pendik,which is quite less crowded compared with the big places in Europe side.However, I love the Europe part,too.Because of my university,I can live through the both two sides in a day.I can clearly see the silence when i pass across the Bosphorus,from Europe to Asia.That's why i'm addicted to İstanbul,the city which gathers all the beauties...

Anyway...I have just one sister,who is 19 and works in a company as a secretary.My mother is a typical housewife.She cares of her two children,runs all the house and does whatever she wants in a day.I must add that,sometimes I envy her,being free,not responsable to anybody...I don't know maybe it's not such easy,but at least that's what I think for now.

And about myself...I am studying at Beykent University,at the department of Software Engineering.This's my first year in this university,I have 4 more years.

So these were some sentences about my world! But just a short summary...