Sunday 28 February 2010

After working for more than forty years, when Mr. Wood retired, he decided to have a rest. Far away from the noise and tumult of the city, he dreamed of a pretty house in the country, with a big garden where he could grow his own vegetables and trees , which would help him relax for the rest of his life. His wife, Mrs. Wood, agreed when he told her his idea. They searched for three weeks before they found a big, excellent, stone house in a quiet place, just like he fancied, with its garden and appearance. He thought it was where they would live perfectly and close their eyes in peace. The old house appeared to have had no care for a long time so they worked a lot to clean it up. Two weeks later, they moved in. And after working for four days, finally, they rested in the well-furnished house and had a normal life. As Mr. Wood toiled in the garden, Mrs. Wood prepared delicious meals for her dear husband, with the fresh vegetables he picked. Everything was just perfect. However,in the garden near their bedroom was a huge tree with long branches touching the window. Because of it, they heard screechy sounds. So that afternoon, Mr. Wood decided to cut the long top branches so that they would have a quiet night, maybe only softly-blowing wind would whistle outside. And so did he. That night he hoped to sleep well before falling asleep. However, at the middle of the night, his wife's prodding woke him. She whispered that there was a knock on the window. He said she must have been in a dream. But when he listened carefully, there, on the window was really a knock. And it was becoming stronger and louder. Feeling cold, they both shook. Mrs. Wood was the first who spoke, getting calmer, she said it must have been the tree making that noise. Just before Mr. Wood tried to tell his wife he had cut down the branches and so it was impossible for them reach the window, she had already pulled back the curtains. Then she screamed. And they both stood like a cold stone. Outside was an old man with a waxy skin, sad and black eyes, a tired face and long white hair moving in the wind. Mr. Wood stared at his wife, eyes wide, breath locked in his chest. With a racing heart, he grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs. They spent the night there. When the first lights of the day shone through the house, they woke up, feeling uncomfortable as they had slept on the chairs. They looked each other, and before saying even a word, they heard a knock on the door. Mrs. Wood started to shake again. She seemed very pale. But Mr. Wood was angry then, standing up, he opened the door. A well-dressed old lady wastood outside, holding a plate full of cookies in her hands. She said she was their neighbor living down the road, adding she wanted to say ‘welcome’ to them.
Mr. Wood looked at her stupidly. It was Mrs. Wood who pushed him away and took the lady in. After introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Wood apologized for their weird behaviors. They started to tell the story.
While listening, the woman seemed curious about the man. When they described his appearance , a teardrop fell down from her cheeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wood were shocked again. After a minute, the lady started talking: ‘That man was the servant of the house. The owner of it was a rich man and pleased with his faithful servant who he had spent many years with. Unfortunately, one night, a thief broke into the house and killed the rich man. He ran away, taking all the expensive things and the money in the house. On the morning, when his servant found his cold bloody dead body in the bed, he called the police. But what a pity that nobody believed him. he was accused of the murder.’ The old lady took a deep breath then. Another tear dropped down, she went on. ‘That servant was my lover. And I’m damned sure that he can’t have done such a thing to his beloved sir.’ Mr. and Mrs. Wood felt sorry for that poor man. They asked why he came that night. The woman continued talking: ‘As he was blamed for the murder, they decided to hang him on a branch of that tree. And yesterday was the anniversary of his death.' Mr. and Mrs. Wood were cold and dizzy. Finally Mrs. Wood cried, asking ‘What the hell does he want from us?’. The lady thought for a while. She was connecting to her dead lover. Then she answered in an old man’s voice, with her eyes turned into black: ‘I want you to heed my screams and help. I’m innocence. I want you to save me from the darkness of this wrong decision. I won’t let you have a quiet night until I’m not notorious anymore! And then, my blood will move away from the roots of the tree and my soul will leave you in peace…. ‘

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