Wednesday 14 April 2010

love to death

Walking on the thin thread , she minded her steps, with admirable concentration, she even didn’t seem to breathe. The life was between her feet and the surface of the thread . Taking slow paces, she kept moving, one and one more following. Her brain focused on the work.As she went on and on, everybody in the circus gawped at her with the eyes full of admiration and in respectable silence. Like her, nobody dared to breathe since they thought it’d make her fall down. The way on the thread seemed endless and with her slim body wearing a pure white dress , she seemed like a bewitching, beautiful, tiny puppet being hold by a blessed soul from somewhere in the dark sky over the circus.

Minutes later, a rustle from the back ruined the silence . A clown barged in swiftly. He was drenched by the rain pouring outside, exhausted from running, and a bit lunatic by some unknown reasons. Coming in front of the stage, he lifted his gaze to the beauty on the thread. Only that time did his eyes change. He ditched his dark dismay, watching her in silence just like anybody there. But he was not anybody there. His face carried the signs of sufferings from anguish inside, which gave him a pathetic appearance. His shoulders came down like carrying a luckless fate back, which made him bent. With no impress of life in his blue eyes, he kept on watching the adorable princess . Despite his funny clown costumes, no color of joy occured in him, he was like somebody that had just lost the most precious part of his body. Despite all these, his heart, where he had thrown away every clutter and where only did she sprawl, had been beating faster and faster since the time he saw her. Suddenly, he shed a tear which made a way down his white powdered cheeks that already had some lines, in which his waxy skin appeared , drawn by the raindrops outside. And another tear followed another. He broke down with deep hiccups.

Up on the thread, being aware of him, she stopped walking. Chills running down her spine, she started to shake, which made her lose balance. Tumult showed itself among people inside. The clown was still crying loudly. Unfortunately his eyes couldn’t see the fact that he was botching everything up and making her frightened. Strangely, he appeared shaking as if he had a shock. Then he lost all his grace, squatting down on his knees, yelling out. As for her, all the magic had gone, she was like a little incurable wounded bird hovering in the air. Crawling on the floor, the clown went near her. Only then did she look down into his eyes that were pleading with her to fly through him that couldn’t bear this painful longing anymore. She smiled at him, no fear was seen in her pretty face. She did not seem panicked in vain anymore, but did seem very happy since his eyes- as she could see- had vowed to love her to death. Looking at him, she swung back and forth on the thread for a while. It was clearly impossible for her to find balance again. When everywhere turned out a wavy, breathtaking sea just like his blue eyes full of tears, she backed down. With one more beautiful smile, she let herself glide in the air through her sea. As his princess was coming to him, he smiled too. He thought he could have clutched his lover before her landing on the ground. Unfortunately could he not. As the smiling angel hit on the floor, the multitude started to scream. He remained frozen with his hands hung up in the air and his embrace empty.

She had jumped to death. His brain couldn’t endure anymore and so did his heart. Before a heart attack came visit him, he was able to see her soul raising through the blue sky, where endless blue like his eyes waited for her, and calling out ‘I love you to death.’ Smiling back at her, he blew his soul out too. Only then did their hands find each other and his soul whispered ‘I love you to death.’ As confusion and screams broke out behind them in the circus, they happily left the hell where their bloody body laid lifeless…